Price of Beauty
Atop the hill old trees gaunt in a clump
All stand on guard eternal like a sage,
On the alert like batsman suave protects his stump
Staying on is life though runs get him to the front page.
Strewn generously along the pathways wild
Are all the tempting delectations that us all intrigue,
Whilst thought and wisdom of the highest league
Lures like dramatically layered mosaic well-tiled.
How like the wild imagination does
This tall top line to realms beyond extend !
Entirely flat disregarded by the general buzz ,
Could all this something strenuously strange portend ?
Immersed in meditation, sagelike old trees stay on duty
And the wayward beholder pays the price of
SALONI KAUL, author and poet, was first published at
the age of ten and has been in print since. As critic and columnist Saloni has
enjoyed forty years of being published. Saloni Kaul's first volume, a fifty
poem collection was published in the USA in 2009. Subsequent volumes include
Universal One and Essentials All. Most recent Saloni Kaul poetic production has
been published in Tipton Poetry Journal, Misty Mountain Review, Inwood Indiana,
Mad Swirl , FIVE Poetry, The Voices Project, The Penwood Review, Mantid
Magazine, Haikuniverse, Blue Pepper, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Cabildo
Quarterly, AJI Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review, River Poets Journal, Belle Rêve
Literary Journal ,Taj Mahal Review, Verbal Art, Poetry Pacific, Ink Sweat And
Tears and Military Experience And The Arts (As You Were : The Military Review)
. Upcoming publication acceptances include Blueline, The Penwood Review,
Cabildo Quarterly , Scarlet Leaf Review and Indiana Voice Journal .
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