May 20, 2017

Two poems by Michael C. Seeger

I Wait

It’s heavier here now
Since you left.
Like a miracle; Wow!
See: Bereft.

I have in my hand words
From a book;
An empty sky holds birds
As I look.

Slowly the past recedes,
Emptied, as the mind reads

Hardened understanding
Changes us
In our views; Birds landing
Make a fuss.

It’s dark where sunlight fell;
You are late.
Silent as a cancer cell,
I wait.


I found in a book some leaves
I had picked up from a road

one rainy day last fall. I could
not bear to let their beauty lie

there on the cold, wet ground,
waiting to disintegrate under

the wheels of oblivious drivers.
I tried to save them from their

             as we all have tried
in similar ways to save ourselves
from time. It is nearly Spring,

but these leaves, like memories, 
say to me, again, how fleeting
everything is.

                   And that no one
can stop, not for a moment, the
constant flow and inexorable
passage of life.

MICHAEL C. SEEGER is a poet and educator residing in the Coachella Valley near Palm Springs, California. Prior to his life as a middle school English instructor, he worked as a technical writer for a baseball card company and served as a Marine infantry officer during Desert Storm.  He considers poetry a passion and writing generally a way of life. Michael’s poems have only recently been published, though he’s written many and stands ready to embrace the opportunity of being so honored.

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