October 30, 2012

One poem by Ernest Williamson

In and out of exodus

spotted calf
next to the bated window
carpenters are needed today
in the red orange yelping brick yellow blocks
crumbling with ease and reluctance
pouncing along
I'm the prey
as the dead as the living
as those who adjust their ties
bonds and weak dollars fall with ash
manageable but directly in the midst of America
policies are beginning to end with plasticity
people become mannequins
as if they knew a nook was more than its facade
oddly enough
I've carried the spotted calf from Rome
and placed it next to my toothbrush
its bristles are misleading
clean looking unused
and tempting me
to let

Dr. Ernest Williamson III has published poetry and visual art in over 380 national and international online and print journals. Some of his visual art and poetry has been published in journals representing over 35 colleges and universities around the world. To read more of his work, visit his website: www.yessy.com/budicegenius

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