April 24, 2012

Two poems by Luke Prater

Hue and Cry


a deck chair
face to Earth
bleeding salt

envelop me, Mother
offer your breast, succour

craving redeliverance of
ignorance; the impurity and
inconvenience of Adulthood

worn like a suit fashioned
by a hue and cry of enraged
madding seamstresses


impregnate soil, your skin
let a bird fly, or

swallow this man in
dark damp pulsing utero

Soft Fall

soft fall, 
upturned hands;
luxuriate in let-go forget.

the relief trust brings 
the falling leaf, held aloft
with an exhalation

of cobalt firmament; 
ephemerality taken 
with soft, upturned hands, 

and held.

Luke Prater writes in many styles/genres and on many topics, including candid social/ geopolitical statement, sexual politics, the dynamics inherent in human relationships and personal/spiritual growth, amongst others. He lives in rural England with a Mac, a guitar or two, a silent fridge and a brain that won't switch off. His poetry has been published in several places online and in hardcopy. 

To read more of his poems, please visit his website: www.lukepraterswordsalad.com